Sunday, 6 March 2011

Top 10 fonts

 I like the ESPN font as the font is slightly more interesting than the typical bold font and as it has what looks like a white bar going across it which gives it a abstract effect.
 This font i think is interesting as it is made up of different lines but not all the lines are joined together which makes it look more interesting. Also the way they change the width of the font makes it look more  effective and would make it stand out more than other fonts.
 This font i think is different as they have an actual skyline and the little dots also are used as the lights on the building. Even though it is a very different font compared to others it is still very easy to read.
 I feel that this font is very effective as each letter is different from each other which is what makes it look so significant. The problem with this font though its that it would only be able to be used of mainly titles which involves pulse even so i still think it is a excellent font.
 With the riot font in my opinion is a clever font as it looks as if it has been wrote with meaning instead of a lot of fonts which have been designed  to fit a certain title and like a lot fonts they look very similar to each other.
With this font there isn't really a lot of things which you are able to do with it but because its from a zombie movie and i think there is no other font which would fit this better than this one does.

Chopin Script is a font which i have used many of times in passed projects as it can be used in various different things from titles of magazines to logos and also titles of books. Another thing that i like about it is that it is a fancy font yet it is easy to read unlike a lot of the Old English fonts around these days.

With the Times New Yorker i think that even though it is one of the most popular font around just adding a little bit of smudge makes the font seem a lot more interesting a different. Even though that it was originally used in newspapers i think that this new style font could be seen in skateboarding magazines and maybe used for titles of movies.

The reason i really like this font is because the use of the lines and the way the it looks like some parts have been scratched off as if it was like graffiti on a wall.  The other thing that i like about this font is that it could be used for many different designs.
Tron is another one of my favourite fonts because of the way the letters look, some of the letters look fine then some of them have been slanted to the side to make it look abstract and a little bit futuristic. The font i think also looks very different to a lot of the fonts as some of them dont really look a lot like actual letters.

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